How do we find the time?


Don’t you think it’s unbelieving when we are all given the same 24 hours yet some lives a successful high-so life while others are buried and hurried?

The optimists usually take the most out of their time while the pessimistic will mull over the time that they do not have. This is actually a hard topic to mention, I hope I won’t appear to be offending but of love.

First disclaimer, I am not as disciplined as it looks. There are small habits that I try to do so that I can pocket more time around the clock. One of my weaknesses as it seems is the lack of focus. I am easily distracted and finds it hard to jump back to finish task.

One of the best example is setting myself to write, I’d need to unplugged myself from music, Instagram, and my husband. Right now (in my moment), it is nice, there is a soothing sound of the rain and breeze in my room. Then of cos my big cup of joe.


…change is constant and inevitably hard especially if we draw out our comfort zones.

Unfortunately, leading up to this kind of setting did not happen to me overnight(s). I am still in the process of intentionally seeking undistracted moments. I find setting time aside from the mundane hard too, I guess because we are humans who easily conformed to comfort. When things becomes easier we thought that’s good enough.

Yet change is constant and inevitably hard especially if we draw out our comfort zones. Sometimes before we do it, we think we can’t. If you think it’s impossible, you’ll pass through life not doing it.

The pandemic was a good example of change. Some of us ease into it quickly but some find it so hard to live differently and then the fatigue of lockdown leaving us mentally and physically unwell. If our souls and minds don’t find restfulness in our daily lives, it is really hard to do anything especially to change up for better.

The Atomic Habits has good insights to change. James Clear mentions that motivation is overvalued. Our mindset to change is in the environment we build for change. What I felt led to do was simply to get in the flow. Often we are fixated to form rules for specific change, that’s hard discipline and continuous motivations; pick me up quotes.

One of the things I did to take myself off distractions is to move my phone away. As long as it is out of sight, my focus will be right in front of me. Sounds simple? Yet, not so...but we can always try!


1 LIMIT the use of phones

This is the most essential pivot. If you can live a day without bringing your phones out, welcome to Narnia? But seriously, limiting our time on phones intentionally will bring you minutes you do not have. All of us are victim to the endless scrolling, a rabbit hole that fast forward time.

Set time limits. Although it may seem I am in a row sharing posts, stories, and reels (psst, 2/3 of them are scheduled or draft ready-to-use) Otherwise, I actually got into a habit of creating content in batches. Like I’ll set aside Mondays, or commuting time to create content and save them as drafts! I’d try not to post on-demand cos that’s distracting for me.

AND if you need answers, trying calling instead of texting. That saves time too.



Many of us don’t drink much water when we get busy. Sounds like you? See, having a bottle of water close reminds me to pause, sip some water, breathe and continue. That’s the clarity of water! Our body is almost 70% made of water, how’s that not essential to a wholesome life? Besides, there are plenty of benefits!

“Getting enough water every day is important for your health. Drinking water can prevent dehydration, a condition that can cause unclear thinking, result in mood change, cause your body to overheat, and lead to constipation and kidney stones. Water has no calories, so it can also help with managing body weight and reducing calorie intake when substituted for drinks with calories, such as sweet tea or regular soda.”


3 Just do it

Ain’t we trying something new when we are changing up our patterns? Trying things new requires your physical attention and that’s what’s going to kickstart your need for more time. We procrastinate to doing something because we think that we won’t have time for it. Yet, it has been proven that it might just work.

A new gym membership? Schedule time for a class, sacrifice a drink session. Grab a book? Leave in your bag or at the bedside, so that you might consider picking it up to read. Call a friend instead of a text, strike conversations that are intentionally uplifting!

Conversations at the table, MORE LIKELY TO spark hope and bigger dreams.

I’d like to talk about intentional conversations too. Being able to talk about things, having good healthy convos actually could be a spur of something new. Conversations at the table, more likely sparks hope and bigger dreams. If you have an open heart for it, drop me a message! I’ll love to chat.

Did the points helped? If yes, do re-share or leave a comment! It means the world that you’re here reading and investing in yourself. You are so loved x


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