
Two minutes reading time

Go as slowly as possible.

"Take longer, move slower." @diaryofafreelancer_____thebook

How hurry are we? I am not saying we should not be productive but productivity does not equate to going faster. It is a work culture where busyness means success.

Even as I am living slower, there are days I feel that I am quickening into the hustling vibes. I am not suggesting to be lazy. Going slow, and taking a longer path may turn out to be more fulfilling than hustling for a quick fix so that we will not get burned out.

This writing was drafted a week ago, and for some reason, I did not feel a hurry to finish it. Though my heart is probably wrestling with the fact that I might lose time. But as I sat here to finish, in slowness I am reflecting on how my week has been.

First, I started reading the book of James together with a friend I met through Instagram. Her name is Juliet, a child of God and an illustrator residing in Perth. I am excited to meet her online soon. Just getting to know each other, like a pen-pal but in closer contact through technology.

Do check out her Instagram: @julietillustrates She draws beautiful random things that you see daily. Love her heart for Jesus too.

It is so refreshing to read a book with a fellow believer. I love how it speaks so differently in our lives even though it is written by the same author. If you fancy a book and would like to read it with someone, let me know! I am here.

Last week, I also helped a friend in her florist business. A part-time adventure awaits as I spend my extra time learning a new skill and meeting new friends! It’s so rewarding to just make friends and be out of my house. I’ve also rekindled a friendship from twenty years back! A secondary school classmate now lives just behind me. Really just a stone away!

Back to the topic, going as slow as possible. How we wish we can tell our bosses that! What’s the hurry if it is not a matter of life and death? Unfortunately, many corporate companies held fast to their success based on how quickly they responded. So thus leading us to who we are today; often haste, impatience patrons so and so.

ps: am I writing too long today?

I’m very afraid that I might bore you out. As a reader, sometimes I skip to the end of the page just to quicken the reading time. So, I can totally feel you but yet as a writer, there is just so much going on in one’s mind to explore the impossible of this title; ASAP

How do we defeat this busy culture?

Strangely, we cannot afford to go back into lockdown. As many country leaders have claimed that it may destroy the economy further. Perhaps it will but I believe, the concept of a human mind is that we will be forced into survival mode. Some of us may get depressed but many more will come forth as heroes again. This I truly believe. It is a principle that has existed since our forefathers.

I sure hope it doesn’t have to take another virus to keep us away from busyness or excuses to start small businesses. (cold joke) Let me share how I look at it, especially coming from a busy lifestyle I used to pursue.

✧ mindset over matters ✧

I can’t express enough how our mind works. Maybe yes you’re a feeler in the ways you respond but a lot has got to do with what we think. I remembered going through an argumental discussion with a buddy who is deemed to be free-spirited; his decisions are often dictated by his feelings. BUT I differ from his thoughts about himself because I felt that he was an over-thinker. (maybe I was the one over-thinking).

Whether you’re rational or irrational, it both begins from how one person thinks in their mind. Their experiences; the nice and trauma, the memories and knowledge they carry. It all has a ripple effect on how we respond. Thus, I believe we have to first allow our minds to shift in order for the rest of our senses to come together at peace. So if you want to live slower, then you have to hold onto certain truths about entering into slowness.

✧ Slow does not mean slow ✧

Now, if you think/feel that you might lose out if you’re not fast enough, then you’ll always struggle to slow down. However, if you agree that slowness does not mean going slower. Then you are ready to agree and fight for your needs to slow down.

In my previous tenure, I am very busy. Too occupied that I hardly have time to date. It was perfectly okay back then because I don’t have much to expect from my toxic relationship. But when I grooved into singlehood, I could no longer just keep going onto busy streams of workflow. I wanted more time for myself, I wanted to go slower. I was not skiving, I made excuses to have coffee breaks but I was not afraid to be called out for skiving because my conscious was clear. I just needed a coffee break so I can get back on track with the real work. At the end of any event, I still get things done. Maybe not so perfect but it is done. So how far are you willing to set foot at a slower pace, despite the stares you might receive from your colleagues or bosses.

✧ NO time is lost ✧

This last point has a lot to covet from a world that thinks thirty means too old for many women. Even for fine young men in Singapore, it seems as though if we don’t receive success in our twenties, we will not be able to get married, buy a house or have children. Worst for women, who may suffer high risk at birth.

All these scare the s*** out of me too BUT one thing I am sure of: This world is temporary. There is an eternity waiting for me but not so that I can be lazy. More so to encourage the fact that I am made for much more success than this world can carry. I take pride in my influence for generations. What you think you can be today, may not be just for you. If you strive to live well, your children will thank you for it. Parenting may not be my subject but I believe in meeting benevolent people. 

My grandparents, my bosses, my friends; each hauled an influence over my life. Especially the life I have chosen to believe in God who restores and reinstates my inheritance in Christ.

There are just too many stories of restoration at any age, as long as your heart is willing to receive the hope and change that will come from your choice to slow down and take longer to finish this race. You don’t have to win it right, just focus on finishing the race well.

In 1 Corinthians 15:57-58, Paul declares, “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.”

In a less biblical term, I'd say, you decide the time you want for yourself. Do not let the world’s desires decide your destiny to what you can accomplish at any age. Victory is for anyone who is willing to receive.


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The unseen process.