Grace in the wilderness
It’s mid-March, how quickly spring is here. I missed the slow mornings in winter, not snowing in Singapore but the rain just kept our skin under blankets.
As I am writing this, I want my coffee to be bottomless because it was a rough morning and I have mixed feelings. But I do not want these feelings to dictate the work that needs to be done. Have you felt this way before?
Well, I used to compartmentalize my emotions for work. I remember how rough it felt to travel for business alone while taking a pause from my heartaches. Back then, I chose work over relationships. I chose to be perfectly professional with business partners.
Soon, it became easier to let go of my personal emotions or grieve because I felt responsible to show up. See, I do love my previous job. There is a sense of impact for change that I could perform. It was more satisfying than living for a boyfriend that hardly exist.
Fast forward 5 years later, with God’s grace upon grace, my pride shifted. I am prouder to be just a happy wife. Work comes second. While SLC becomes a part of my personal walk with Jesus. I don’t always understand how I can keep a relationship with God, my husband, and many other people whom I just got acquainted with. I may have lost some years with friends I grew up with but it is worthwhile to be living in this present moment. Making new memories. I believe everything happens for a reason, our lives crossed paths for God’s purpose.
What is grace in the wilderness?
The full meaning of grace from Merriam-Webster
: unmerited divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification. : a virtue coming from God. : a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine assistance.
Grace is unmerited favor. God's favor, grace, is received by those who did not merit it. Grace is poured out on God's people because it was merited by Christ. The Bible declares that we are saved by God's grace. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved. Mark 16:16
wilderness. noun. wil·der·ness ˈwil-dər-nəs.
: an area in which few people live that is not used for farming and is more or less in its natural state.
God gives grace so that we can live as heirs of His Kingdom in this Broken world.
Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory. Romans 8:17
“I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
You give me grace,
Grace in the wilderness
You give faith, faith
Faith when I'm losing it
Nobody knows what we've been through
Nobody loves me like You do
You give me grace
Grace in the wilderness
How do we live in the supernatural of God’s time and space? Many of us still lived in the past and we do not understand what can be changed for the better. There are also those who over-worry, living in a future of stress that is not proven in the present. Watch this video compiling wise words from various creators in regard to the mind of fear.
It is funny how it is even harder to see the present. Why are we so quick to reject the present state especially when it is so good?
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
Shouldn’t faith propel us to do greater things? Like taking a leap of faith right now. Courage to make the change. Change your thoughts, kick an old habit, go gym, take walks, sleep earlier, wake up an hour earlier, write a blog, start a new hobby, call a friend, make coffee, go for a solo trip, say no to toxic relationships, leave the job, dream big, start small, etc.
Faith is not a religious ritual, it is our response to this God-given gift.
Of cos, it has to come to work, discipline, daily surrender, etc. BUT FIRST, you have to receive this grace by responding with faith. For those who struggle with change. This is a good book to start.
Here are 3 ideas, to consider this week from James Clear 3-2-1 Newsletter
"It's only work if you would rather be doing something else.
Find a way to carve a career out of what you already want to do."
"Build small habits. Make big plans.
1) Keep your daily actions small. Strive to get 1% better every day.
2) Keep your daily mindset big. Think about how you can play a bigger game.
Start small, but never dream small."
"Great work resists compression.
Great explanations are short but potent.
Great software delivers the same outcome in fewer clicks.
Great manufacturing processes create products in less time and with less waste.
The shape of genius is simplicity."
I pray that there be a word you’ll meditate on and manifest in the name of Jesus today. Amen