What Is My Approach to Content Creation?
Developing a content strategy framework involves outlining your content creation process, which might encompass aspects like identifying your target audience, selecting keywords, determining frequency and timing of content publication, and designating content creators.
While I don't possess formal content marketing training, I've managed to devise a straightforward approach that proves effective for SLC. There are numerous strategies for social media content, yet they all hinge on discipline and cultivating strong habits.
Discipline and atomic habits set the foundation for your social media presence. Regardless of the strategy, persistence and growth remain key components.
After a trial and error period of two years in establishing SLC without proper business planning, I've learned that burnout often results in business setbacks. During Covid, we were able to run businesses at our own pace. There is a slow pace that the entire world was going into. Even my focus shifted from personal aspirations to making a positive impact on the world.
I understand that not all businesses are geared towards broader societal benefits. Many of us find fulfillment in effecting change within our spheres of influence. Regardless of your aspirations, this blog might resonate with you. If it does, fantastic! If not, but you know someone who might benefit, please share this with them. Thank you in advance.
At SLC, our vision is crystal clear: fostering a community for slow creatives. I base my monthly topics around this vision. Aligning content with this vision is simple, especially when drawing inspiration from creatively driven podcasts, books, and sustainable business perspectives.
With a vision and topics in mind, it's time to plan content. Whether it's about food, health, or art, your content should provide value. Exclusive content is increasingly significant, with communities shrinking and content encouraging people to find like-minded individuals. Instagram's introduction of subscriptions and broadcast channels illustrates this trend.
Before delving into the technical aspects of content creation, note that SLC adheres to branding guidelines, aesthetics, and desired emotions. If you haven't established these, I urge you to create a visual board for your brand. Define colors and signature fonts for easy recognition by your audience.
My August schedule
Besides tasks like reorganizing artwork offerings, enhancing Procreate Studio experience, and working on Project Peonia—a 30-day challenge for a new collection structure.
I dedicate about 5-6 days each month to creating content, which may seem like a lot, but it really only amounts to a few hours each day. I enjoy being available whenever someone needs me, and I'm just a phone call away. So, I'm still pretty flexible to take coffee breaks or a day off.
Monthly + Quarterly Meetings
Committing to the long term necessitates forward-looking planning is essential for me as I learn where is SLC at. These sessions are great for me to dream up and scale wherever SLC needs to be. The monthly meetings are breakdown into a few days, as I sit through a day to complete a large batch of content. I aim for 60 posts for Instagram + 20 videos for shorts, tiktok, reels, etc.
You asked why? Simply because this approach works for me. It makes me more time compared to struggling daily with what to post and say. I’m not advanced at this but I try to keep it going to cultivate a habit. Cyndi Zawaeski definitely has a stronger pillar on how to batch like a pro.
“Having a plan to batch create digital marketing content means your feeds will never go hungry no matter what else gets put on your plate. Being stressed about not having something to post, and scrambling to throw up anything in an effort to be consistent ultimately muddies your brand message.”
4 Productivity Tools to Help You Get More Done:
Canva Pro
If you're just starting out, the free version of these tools will suffice, but for increased efficiency, consider upgrading to the pro version. With versatile functions across platforms like Instagram, YouTube covers, and TikTok videos, the pro version has been a game-changer for me in maintaining consistency across my brand. As I mentioned in my previous blog post on ChatGPT, these productivity tools are essential for saving me time.
Did you know that I schedule almost every post? It's a life-saving feature that most platforms support, from Instagram to Pinterest. This allows me to embrace a slower approach and let content naturally unfold while still maintaining a consistent presence on social media. Sometimes I even forget what I've scheduled, but I trust that everything happens in God's timing. This systematic approach has been the most effective for me, and I can rest easy knowing that at least one of my platforms is generating engagement.
Ultimately Slow it down: Batching stops you from rushing your content!
Rush content may not always be good. Your target audience can tell when you haven’t put thought into the video, post, or recording you produced. Consider stopping to create content the day of (or even the week of) and plan ahead to ensure all your bases are covered. Reducing procrastination while increasing your productivity is what you should be aiming for with content batching.
This new habit will also make unplugging easier since you’ll always have content in the pipeline.
Paraphrase from Teachable: How to Batch Content
May I invite you to join the SLC community by subscribing to our monthly slow letters. This Q4, I'll delve deeper into defining ourselves as slow creatives and implementing content creation strategies tailored to your needs.